
A message from Orchard Surgery PPG:

The Orchard Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) Spring Coffee morning took place at the surgery on Saturday 27th April. Thanks to all those who attended our event!

It was very well supported and raised just under £900 from the Grand Raffle, tea, coffee and cake sales. We also had some very generous donations. This, together with funds raised at the pre-Christmas coffee morning, will go towards purchasing equipment to benefit all our patients. We have raised money for a new reception blood pressure machine as the old one finally gave up! The surgery is starting a Minor Operations service again and an operating couch will also be purchased for this.

Our special guests were Sir Jeremy Quin MP, who kindly gave up his Saturday morning to draw the raffle, and representatives from The Olive Tree (local cancer support) and Age Concern. These organisations are doing great work in our local community supporting patients. The event was also an opportunity for patients to say farewell to our Senior Partner Dr Chris Dawe,  who retires after a wonderful 49 years of service to the Horsham community. He will be greatly missed and we wish him a wonderful retirement.

We look forward to our next event!

PPG Event
RSV Vaccine information

Testing for gene faults in people with Jewish ancestry

If you have Jewish ancestry (at least one Jewish grandparent) you can now be tested for gene faults in the BRCA genes using a simple saliva test. Find out more and register for the test here: NHS Jewish BRCA Programme

This programme is self-referral only. There is no need to contact Orchard Surgery. For questions or support, call the genetic counselling hotline 020 3437 6001  

This service is provided by the NHS in collaboration with Jnetics and Chai Cancer Care
