Paramedic's in Primary Care
Primary Care Paramedic Practitioners and how they can help you
You may be offered an appointment with a paramedic practitioner if you contact the surgery for help. The care navigator team is able to triage your call so that you see the right person as quickly as possible. They will ask you some key information to be able to do this.
Lisa, our practice paramedic practitioner, is an experienced clinician. She is able to prescribe medicines for you, independently of our doctors.
She will see a wide range of urgent care needs, minor illness and those patients who have Long Term Conditions and who are also acutely unwell. This could be in the form of telephone advice, a face to face consultation in the surgery or a home visit for those that are housebound. She will take a holistic approach to your problem, working with you to agree a management plan and treatment. She will see all patients over the age of 1 year.
Our practitioner has access to advice and support from our GP team if required on the day.
In addition to our in-house paramedic, you may also be offered an appointment with one of our Primary Care Network Paramedic Practitioners on the telephone, in the surgery or in your home if housebound. This team is also experienced and works closely with the Duty Dr to provide you with the best outcome for your problem.
Some examples of conditions the paramedics can see
New onset cough or shortness of breath (less than 4 weeks)
Sore throat
Ear ache
Abdominal pain
Possible urinary tract infection (cystitis, incontinence, frequency and urgency)
Mild or muscular chest pain
Swollen legs
Falls or injuries
Lisa Wilkinson - Advanced Clinical Practitioner

About Me
I started my career in the ambulance service as a Paramedic but moved across to Primary Care in 2017 after completing my Paramedic Practitioner course. Since then I have gone on to study for my Masters in advanced practice and completed my prescribing qualification. My role at Orchard Surgery is to assess, diagnose, implement and evaluate treatment and/or care for patients presenting in primary care. I can initiate prescriptions or refer them where appropriate.